VESDA LaserFocus Aspirating Smoke Detector (VLF)
The VESDA VLF by Xtralis is an aspirating smoke detector ideal for small, business-critical spaces. Available in two models, the VLF-250 covers up to 250 m2 (2,690 sq. ft.), and the VLF-500 covers areas up to 500 m2 (5,380 sq. ft.).
Out-of-the-box installation and commissioning
Ultrasonic airflow sensing
Laser-based absolute smoke detection
Pre-engineered pipe network designs
Programmable alarm thresholds
Clean air barrier optics protections
Instant recognition display
Instant Fault Finder™
AutoLearn™ Smoke
AutoLearn™ Flow
Field service access door
Multiple event logging (in separate logs), up to 18,000 events
Offline/online configuration capability