Tyco 802SB/901SB
MX Sounder Base

The 802SB and 901SB MX Addressable Loop Sounder Bases provide a sounder function for MX addressable systems. They produce a user-selectable tone controlled by the MX Control and Indicating Equipment (CIE) via the MX detector or sounder driver (SAB801 or SAM800) plugged into the sounder base.

  • Volume Adjustment: The volume can be adjusted on-site using a special tool.

  • Tone Selection: Tones are DIP switch-selectable, including the ISO 8201 tone.


  • Loop-powered and supports up to 250 sounder bases on the MX loop at low volume (refer to CIE details).

  • Identified by a white park clip.


  • Externally powered by a 24V DC power source and supports up to 250 sounder bases on the MX loop.

  • Identified by a blue park clip.